The health system in Austria
What to do if you feel ill
If you feel ill or have symptoms of an illness, go to a general practitioner ("Praktischer Arzt"). Paediatricians ("Kinderarzt") are doctors who specialise in treating children.
If you suddenly feel severe pain, call the health advice line at 1450. They will tell you who to contact.
In case of an accident, breathing difficulties, fainting or a life-threatening situation, call the Vienna Ambulance Service at 144.
If you call the ambulance even though it is not medically necessary, you have to pay for it yourself.
Which doctor speaks your language?
There are many multilingual doctors in Vienna: Find a doctor

Health insurance
Everyone who lives in Vienna needs health insurance.
- There is mandatory insurance for employees, asylum seekers, pensioners and self-employed persons.
- People who do not have insurance or who can't be co-insured with someone else (e.g. students or marginally employed persons) can get voluntary self-insurance. They submit an application and pay a monthly contribution.
- Family members can apply for co-insurance. In certain cases, an additional contribution has to be paid for this.
All people who have health insurance pay nothing themselves for most doctor's visits. Salaried employees and workers are insured with the Austrian Health Insurance Fund (ÖGK). Self-employed people are insured with the Social Insurance Institution for the Self-Employed (SVS).
The Austrian Health Insurance Fund does not pay for all services provided by all doctors. If you see a private doctor, you have to pay yourself. With a contract doctor, the Austrian Health Insurance Fund almost always pays.
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What is the e-card?
The e-card is a chip card. The e-card has your name and your social insurance number on it. It is your proof of health insurance coverage.
You will receive your e-card in the mail from your insurance provider. New-borns automatically receive their own e-card.
With your e-card, you can go to any contract doctor. You can also use the e-card for preventive health care check-ups and mother-child-pass checks.
Babies and children
Maternity protection ("Mutterschutz") and maternity allowance ("Wochengeld")
Women who work or receive unemployment benefits are on maternity protection before the birth of their child. You are not allowed to work during the last 8 weeks before the due date. You can apply for maternity allowance to replace your income. The amount of maternity allowance you get depends on your wage or salary in the previous 3 months. For women who receive unemployment benefits, the rules are different. They get the unemployment benefit increased by 80 percent as maternity allowance. The Austrian Health Insurance Fund pays the maternity allowance on a monthly basis at the end of each month.
After giving birth, you are not allowed to work for 8 weeks. In the case of a premature birth, multiples or a C-section, this time is 12 weeks.
For a birth in Vienna, you have to register at a hospital while you are pregnant.
The mother-and-child health booklet ("Mutter-Kind-Pass")
Every pregnant woman receives a mother-and-child health booklet. It lists important doctor's examinations for every woman and her baby. You must have the first 10 check-ups in the mother-and-child health booklet done by your doctor in time if you want to receive childcare benefit. The mother-and-child health booklet includes examinations for children up to the age of 5.
Vaccinations and vaccination certificate ("Impfpass")
There are recommended vaccinations for babies, children and adults. As your family doctor or paediatrician about them.
Parental leave ("Karenz")
Parental leave is the time after birth when one parent stays at home with the baby. You do not have to work during this time: Your employment is paused. Parental leave starts after the maternity protection. During parental leave, you can apply for childcare allowance.
Childcare allowance ("Kinderbetreuungsgeld")
From the day your baby is born, you can apply for childcare allowance at the Austrian Health Insurance Fund.
When do you receive childcare allowance?
- if you receive family allowance ("Familienbeihilfe") for your child
- if the parent who receives childcare allowance lives with the child
- if the parents and child have the centre of their vital interests in Austria
- if the parents and child have legal residence in Austria
- if the parents live separately: the parent who applies for childcare allowance has custody of the child and also receives family allowance.
- if you have had all the check-ups in the mother-and-child health booklet on time
- if any additional earnings you have are below the additional earnings limit.
You can choose between several options for childcare allowance:
- either you get a fixed daily rate, with the amount based on the duration
- or you receive an amount that is based on your last income
After your child is born
What you need to do in the first week after the birth of your child:
- Have a birth certificate issued
- Register your child with social security
- Get a certificate of citizenship
- Register your new-born child at the place of residence
You will automatically receive family allowance for your new-born child if you are entitled to it.
Services for people with disabilities
Assistance for older people in Vienna
You can get care and assistance for older people and their relatives. There is also help in Vienna for getting accommodation in a home for senior citizens or a nursing home. Senior citizens in Vienna
Start Coaching for Newly Arrived Individuals – Guidance for Your Smooth Start in Vienna
- Schedule a start coaching appointment once you receive your initial residence permit from the authorities (MA 35) and establish your primary residence in Vienna (Meldezettel/Hauptwohnsitz). ATTENTION: Individuals who are only temporarily living in Vienna are not eligible for start coaching
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- Electronic health care
- Health centres
- Family