Housing in Vienna
Finding and renting a flat in Vienna
Mandatory residence registration in Vienna
Every person who lives in Vienna must register with the Vienna Residence Registration Service Centre (Meldeservice Wien). If you move to Austria from abroad or move to Vienna from another part of Austria you have 3 business days after moving in to register.
You have to bring the following documents with when you register:
- Passport or
- photo ID showing your citizenship (birth certificate)
- Registration form (Meldezettel): a form, which you can get directly at the Vienna Residence Registration Service Centre or online.
Before you go to the Residence Registration Service Centre, you have to book an appointment online.

Flats in Vienna
You can find information about available flats on the internet and in daily newspapers (on Saturdays or Sundays) or through real estate agents (for a fee).
What is a real estate agent?
Real estate agents ("Immobilienmakler"/"Immobilienmaklerin") act as agents for flats. They rent or sell flats and houses on behalf of the owners. In return, they receive a commission ("Provisionszahlung", "Provision", "Maklergebühr"). If you find a flat through a real estate agent, you as a tenant will have to pay their commission.
Before you move into a rental flat, you sometimes have to pay a deposit ("Kaution"). The deposit is a security for the landlord and is agreed in the tenancy agreement ("Mietvertrag").
You should read your tenancy agreement carefully before signing it. You can find tips regarding what you should pay attention to online at the Chamber of Labour
(Arbeiterkammer) or at Mieterhilfe.
Help with finding a flat
If you have a very low income and need help finding a flat, you can contact Wohnungsdrehscheibe.
More information is available in the free StartWien information modules
Types of flats in Vienna
Privately owned rental flats
You rent a flat from a private owner (person or company)
Municipal flats ("Gemeindewohnung") and subsidised flats
You rent a flat from the City of Vienna.
You can rent a municipal flat in Vienna if you:
- are at least 17 years old
- your current flat in Vienna has been your main residence continuously for the last 2 years. This also applies to all other persons who are moving to the municipal flat with you.
- are an Austrian citizen, an EU/EEA citizen, are a recognised refugee, or are a third-country national and have a permanent residence card. This applies to all persons of full age who will live in the flat with you.
- earn less than the maximum income threshold
Cooperative flats ("Genossenschaftswohnung")
Cooperative flats in Vienna are built by non-profit housing cooperatives. If you want to rent a cooperative flat in Vienna, you often have to pay a so-called "financing contribution" ("Finanzierungsbeitrag"). The amount of this contribution depends on the size of the flat, age of the flat and location of the building. When you move out, you will get a large part of this contribution back.
Owner-occupied flats
If you buy a flat in Vienna, you own a certain part of a residential building (a property). If you are a citizen of a third country and want to buy a flat in Vienna, you need a permit from the Immigration and Citizenship Department of the City of Vienna (MA 35).
Tenancy agreements in Vienna
When you rent a flat in Vienna, you make a verbal or written contract with the landlord. In the tenancy agreement you agree on the duration and the type of use (e.g. residential, commercial, land) as well as how much rent you pay.
Headlease ("Hauptmiete")
You are renting as headlease (you are the main tenant) if you have a tenancy agreement with
- the owner of the building or flat
- or the tenant or leaseholder of the entire building or flat.
Sublease ("Untermiete")
You are a subtenant if you have a tenancy agreement with the main tenant.
Protection against unwarranted eviction ("Kündigungsschutz")
Your landlord may only terminate (end) the tenancy agreement if there is a serious reason. What counts as a serious reason is regulated by law in Austria.
If you are having problems with your landlord, you can contact the following organisations: MieterHilfe, Mietervereinigung, Mieterschutzverband.
Property management and house rules
Property management ("Hausverwaltung")
The property management company takes care of the maintenance of a residential building on behalf of the owners and is your point of contact for questions as a tenant.
House rules ("Hausordnung")
There are house rules for all apartment buildings in Vienna. The house rules are rules that say what people living together in a house need to do. The house rules are part of your tenancy agreement.
Waste separation in Vienna
You can take your hazardous or problem waste (e.g. used cooking oil, batteries, etc.) to waste collection points free of charge.
Housing benefit ("Wohnbeihilfe")
- Austrian citizens
- EU citizens
- Citizens of third countries who have been living in Austria for 5 years, or
- recognised refugees
The department in charge of housing benefit is Municipal Department 50 - Housing Promotion and Arbitration Board for Legal Housing Matters.
Start Coaching for Newly Arrived Individuals – Guidance for Your Smooth Start in Vienn
- Schedule a start coaching appointment once you receive your initial residence permit from the authorities (MA 35) and establish your primary residence in Vienna (Meldezettel/Hauptwohnsitz). ATTENTION: Individuals who are only temporarily living in Vienna are not eligible for start coaching
- Ask your questions during a free consultation session in your native language
- Receive Information on accommodation searches, employment contracts, school selection, integration agreements, and much more
- Get personal assistance in finding a suitable German course
This might also be of interest to you:
- Recycling / environment
- Subsidies and benefits
- Finding a flat
- Rental costs